Become instructor

Sell courses and earn money

Why make courses with us

As an instructor at Modell Boost, you can earn money from your passion. There is no need for long and comprehensive courses, but short, clear courses that do what courses are supposed to do - teach something in a simple way.

Course types that suits you

You are free to design your courses yourself. Either using text, video, photos or live on Zoom.

Access to reports

Access detailed reports on sales, profits and much more.

Become your own boss

Manage the days yourself and create courses at your own pace. We don't hustle

What can I teach?

In short, everything. Are you a photographer, experienced model, retoucher, makeup artist or something else that wants to help others become better at what they are passionate about? Maybe you're good at photography with flash, maybe you're raw in Photoshop, or you really know how to make the best poses? Then Modell Boost is the course platform for you.




create unlimited courses



What are you waiting for?

Apply to become an instructor today. Become your own employer.